For I know the plans
I am thainkful that Krstian Stanfill could put my emotions into words when he wrote this song: I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm My help is on the way, my help is on the way September 21, 2012 is a day I won’t soon forget. It had been one month of feeling “under the weather” to say it lightly. I took the kids to dinner and Jacob was out at the ball game with his dad. At dinner I ran into a friend and then as we went to leave I began to hemorrhage . So, like any sane person (HA HA) , I called my mother, updated her on the circumstance, took the kiddos to movie night at church then went to the store to buy new bottoms. We went to the ER and proceeded to wait about an hour, and for me most of it spent in the bathroom in order to not be gross. When we finally got into the room they were shocked I was still standing, and then, just like that, ...