
The new year has been BUSY . So busy that I have not had time to come back to this since I posted last November. The irony being that I intentionally scheduled NOTHING for the month of January . We took a break from classes, volunteering, and I worked on my need to "say yes" to everything. Going into February we did a few scheduled things, but life, at the pace it goes, just kept coming at us, day by day. Finally March did just as it's name says, it M...A...R...C...H...E...D us forward to Easter. This pace is too much. My children are growing older, the days keep passing, and what I noticed, as I picked up books I had reserved in February from the library, I have a theme. In every part of my being, I am searching fo r simplicity , for less of all of this consumer driven crazy, for less stuff. In fact, the majority of my first Facebook posts of the New Year have been dealing with just such truth #livewithless An yet, I ende...