
Showing posts from 2014

You are HERE on purpose

You are here on purpose. Here adverb 1. in this place; in this spot or locality (opposed to there ): 2. at this point; at this juncture: noun 8. this place: 9. this world; this life; the present:   Purpose noun 1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. 2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal. 3. determination; resoluteness. verb (used with object) , purposed, purposing. 6. to set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself. 7. to resolve (to do something):   This statement was recently shared with me, and it makes me stop and think.   We are each in our positions  as a mother, a father, a child, an employee, a manager, etc.: ON PURPOSE.   Even if we feel we are here due to an accident; we are reminded, there is no accident with God.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We were created by our creato...

Work is MORE than a Paycheck

This week has been personally challenging for me.   You may have noticed my quietness.   Finally, the fog has cleared and I am again grateful for the quiet times, the challenging weeks, because they remind me of the things around me that bring me joy.   First , I have this amazing colleague; she is an amazing listener, great at giving space, and asking just the right questions.   She is quite the unassuming character who lives with a quiet, but fierce, passion.   I watch her demonstrate concern for each person that walks through our doors and the joy when a success occurs.   This week she remained steadfast, she let me share my troubles, and then, she went along for the ride of letting me figure out what needed to happen next. Second , I have two teachers that come in each day.   They are working with the children who will be our graduating classes of 2028 and 2029.   They prepare lessons, clean up messes, act silly, give hugs, an...

Raindrops keep falling....

             I am struck by cloudy days sometimes, both the actual days and just the emotional ones.  They put a damper on my mood and cause me to want to stay in bed.  As much as I try to not be affected, sometimes these days just get the best of me.  The flipside of the cloudy day is a flight I once took on a cloudy and rainy day.  I was so apprehensive of this flight, of being gone from my home and school for a week already, and the gloomy weather was not helping.  Well, ready or not, the flight attendants launch into their safety spiel, and as much as I would love to tell you it was one of those really great moments being posted on Facebook where they do an amazing song for the safety portion, or half the flight starts singing to you, it wasn't.  We ascended the climb, my ears began to throb and mute out sound, the plane shook, and I white knuckled the handles.  Just as the tears were form...

For I know the plans

I am thainkful that Krstian Stanfill could put my emotions into words when he wrote this song: I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm My help is on the way, my help is on the way September 21, 2012 is a day I won’t soon forget.   It had been one month of feeling   “under the weather” to say it lightly.   I took the kids to dinner and Jacob was out at the ball game with his dad.   At dinner I ran into a friend and then as we went to leave I began to hemorrhage .   So, like any sane person (HA HA) , I called my mother, updated her on the circumstance, took the kiddos to movie night at church then went to the store to buy new bottoms.   We went to the ER and proceeded to wait about an hour, and for me most of it spent in the bathroom    in order to not be gross.   When we finally got into the room they were shocked I was still standing, and then, just like that, ...

[kuh m-par-uh-suh n]

Did you know that Comparison is a noun? The first three definitions of this THING are 1. the act of comparing. 2. the state of being compared. 3. a likening; illustration by similitude; comparative estimate or statement. The illustration of similitude.   Did you catch that?   THE ILLUSTRATION!   Just a representation, yet, I find myself comparing my inside to the outside I see in others.   I look at the Facebook posts and think, “man I wish I had it together like that”.   I look at Pinterest and I think, that wouldn’t take much time, I could totally do that, and sometimes they do, but mostly my attempts will end up on the “Pintrosity” boards! (I did good to get two or three Back to School pictures posted in the past 8 years).                   Things I have compared include my house, my children, my work, my...

Saturday Morning Shuffle

  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15         We have three sets of eyes that watch us each day, three sets of ears that I try to fill with good thoughts, words, advice, three sets of hands busy around our home, and three sets of feet that enter and leave our doors each day.  I can listen to their footsteps in the morning and tell you which child it is, and I am amazed at the three DYNAMIC personalities that match those footsteps.           I love to hear Kylar's determined steps, so sure of what she will do in that moment. While she hasn't decided "the rest of her life" at age 12, I trust she will follow a plan that sets her apart as a dynamic leader and trustworthy friend.           Kaori, now those are quiet unassuming steps, until she is ready to announce her PRESENCE an...

Sunday Quiet

He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. John 15:2 I have spent the past two months dreading the end of "work".  You see, I am a person that thrives on work.  I like to work, I enjoy work, I LOVE challenge, and I crave new things, oh, and I hate to feel like I am doing nothing.  Our yearly vacation takes effort, yes, EFFORT, for me to unplug, to unwind, and to just relax (thankfully I get better at it each year, the lake waters have a tendency to do that).  I am built to serve, energized by a new task, and wired to want to do for others, and this has left me worn out, tired, but also fulfilled, then over filled.  So, God has been working on me for these past two months to increase my  faith and trust  in Him, not what I can do.  He has been teaching me to find my identity in HIM, in who he created me to be, not in what I do.  ...