Saturday Morning Shuffle

  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15
      We have three sets of eyes that watch us each day, three sets of ears that I try to fill with good thoughts, words, advice, three sets of hands busy around our home, and three sets of feet that enter and leave our doors each day.  I can listen to their footsteps in the morning and tell you which child it is, and I am amazed at the three DYNAMIC personalities that match those footsteps.  

        I love to hear Kylar's determined steps, so sure of what she will do in that moment. While she hasn't decided "the rest of her life" at age 12, I trust she will follow a plan that sets her apart as a dynamic leader and trustworthy friend.

          Kaori, now those are quiet unassuming steps, until she is ready to announce her PRESENCE and then trust that you will know she is there.  But that's her that's how she does it, carefully watching where she goes, and watching for others along the way. 

           Finally, Brice, his steps are always early in the morning, and since I don't use an alarm clock, those shuffling sounds across our wood floors signal to me, a time I enjoy, the quiet moments before anyone else in our house is awake, to talk, snuggle, and listen to the Heart of our son.  It's these ten to fifteen minute interludes I get to hear about his dreams, his plans, his fears, and I have this teachable, mold-able young man, that all too quickly is almost 9 years old. 
           These steps are quickly hurdling toward adulthood, and I as much as I want to enjoy each one, I know it will not always be the reality.  However, right now, I am going to be joyful for the memories that come along with those footsteps on our floors.  I am going to hug them, squish their faces, listen to their stories and jokes, and laugh along the way.


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