Saturday Morning Shuffle

For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15 We have three sets of eyes that watch us each day, three sets of ears that I try to fill with good thoughts, words, advice, three sets of hands busy around our home, and three sets of feet that enter and leave our doors each day. I can listen to their footsteps in the morning and tell you which child it is, and I am amazed at the three DYNAMIC personalities that match those footsteps. I love to hear Kylar's determined steps, so sure of what she will do in that moment. While she hasn't decided "the rest of her life" at age 12, I trust she will follow a plan that sets her apart as a dynamic leader and trustworthy friend. Kaori, now those are quiet unassuming steps, until she is ready to announce her PRESENCE an...