I want to write

A long term dream of mine is to write a book.  It is part of why I have a blog!  I've put this off with the ideas that 
1. Other people are so much better, 
2. I'm too busy, maybe later, and 
3. Of, course no one would read it.  

In July I turned 35, and it was great!  It was nothing spectacular, but I believe in using the excuse of my birthday, anytime within the month of July, to get what I want, do what I want, o go where I want.  (All within moderation f our family, budget, time, etc.)  What it meat this year was getting a trainer and from my 90 days with him: I have learned to work out (and to love it).  I have learned to enjoy running, (or real though, walking at a weird and awkward pace), I have re-found my desire to read, and I am expanding my reading list, even more, I remembered my desire to write! Fast forward to February, two dear friends introduced me to The IF Gathering and this led me to Jen Hatmaker, Anne Lamott, Angie Smith, and quickly to Jamie Ivey.  So now, I am working through a change in the use of my free time, reading more, but I cannot read ad drive, so I use my time in the car for "Happy Hour" with the Jamie Ivey Podcasts and Blog, and she is just incredible! I am blessed by how she shares her heart, love for travel, books, and people.  If you need a "Happy Hour moment", but lack he space for one right now, I promise, you feel like you went to happy hour with two incredible, gifted, talented friends!  

While the "put it off" ideas may still float into my peripheral, I am learning to walk in freedom; better than this, I am walking in FREEDOM  And, if you know me, then you know, I do not have peripheral vision...so if I cannot see it, I cannot accept that it is true.  My freedom now includes
 1. I am the daughter of a King and a risen savior.
2. I have words to say and I am embracing the voice I have been given, 
3. People do not need to read it, in order for me to write it.

I have a list of books, and please comment and let me know what book you recommend, or if you want to know my list!

In the long run, I am starting here, my blog time will pick up, be prepared, it will be wild, it will include tears, it will include my heart, and it is my hope, it will inspire you to Laugh Along the Way.


  1. Love, love, love this. So excited to see how you blossom this year!! You already are!! Love you!!

    1. Thank you for your investment in me. Thank you for your book suggestions. We need to reconnect.

  2. This makes me smile. Chase your dream, Girl!

    1. You make me smile. Thanks for making me try new things, and for the encouragement.


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