[kuh m-par-uh-suh n]

Did you know that Comparison is a noun?

The first three definitions of this THING are

1. the act of comparing.

2. the state of being compared.

3. a likening; illustration by similitude; comparative estimate or statement.

The illustration of similitude.  Did you catch that?  THE ILLUSTRATION!  Just a representation, yet, I find myself comparing my inside to the outside I see in others.  I look at the Facebook posts and think, “man I wish I had it together like that”.  I look at Pinterest and I think, that wouldn’t take much time, I could totally do that, and sometimes they do, but mostly my attempts will end up on the “Pintrosity” boards! (I did good to get two or three Back to School pictures posted in the past 8 years).


                Things I have compared include my house, my children, my work, my schedule, my car, my husband, and me.  I believe in striving towards better, I believe in working hard, training and teaching.  I believe having a home that is inviting, yet when this thing of comparison sneaks in (and yes it must sneak) it will inevitably lead to anxiety and discontentment!   You see, as a mother, it is my job to teach our children to guard their hearts. So, I must be careful to guard my heart as well, lest I let comparison cloud the joy I have in Christ.   “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Psalm 94:19  I don’t want to be a mother riddled with anxiety, I want to be the mother that teaches them how to faces the anxieties of life, the one that helps navigate their hearts toward JOY when the friends disappoint, that boy or girl does not return the phone call, when everyone else goes one way and they must choose another. And now when I compare what I have to what others I have, I am reminded, Jesus paid a price for me.  He considered my life, with all its mess and he still went to the cross for ME, in order that I may be called “Forgiven”, “Loved”, “Blessed” “Free”.  This by Comparison is how I will choose to see my life today.  I will not wallow in the sea of hormones that make me want to stay in bed.  I will not live trapped by the mistakes of yesterday.  I will step into the sunshine; I will choose to believe truth in of who I am and I will Laugh Along the Way.


  1. It is such a wonderful blessing to realize it all boils down to who we are in Christ. I love your post. You are just what and who you need (from this mother's eyes) imagine how much more you are in God's eyes because of what Christ has done for us.

    1. My mommy, you are the best one for me! I am so lucky. Thank you for every grandma night you have with the kiddos, but even more, thanks for our sneak away dates (really trips to the grocery store that may or ma not end in gelato being eaten in the parking lot!)


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